
Premature infants who were massaged Not Easy to Sick

Babies born prematurely are particularly vulnerable to the disease because their immune systems are weakened by premature birth. A gentle massage on premature babies, known to increase endurance babies because their immune system function increases.

Previously, a study has shown that massage therapy in premature infants associated with weight gain, improved mental abilities, and reduced hospitalization time. Researchers from Children's Hospital of Michigan and then conduct research to determine the effects of massage on premature babies immune system.

The study was conducted on 120 premature infants treated in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Conditions infants in this study had been considered stable, ie which do not require supplemental oxygen or antibiotics, and no longer need a catheter.

"Babies who are not breast-fed are also included in this study, because breast milk contains antibodies that the immune system can affect the results of the study," said Dr. Jocelyn Ang, head of research.

At random, infants were divided into two groups to determine the effects of massage on the development of the immune system. Group of babies who were massaged, receiving a massage session with a frequency of 5 times a week for 45 minutes.

Massage therapy is carried out for a month by a nurse who has been specially trained to learn baby massage techniques, including having a baby with a gentle stroking, flexing and extending your arms and legs babies.

After one month of therapy, the researchers analyzed the results of the study were asked to check the condition of the baby at random without being told which babies get massage therapy. The researchers collected blood samples to check the cells of the immune system that serves babies naturally kill disease pathogens.

Both groups have a number of killer cells of the same pathogens in blood samples. But babies who were massaged have natural killer cells are more powerful than babies who are not massaged.


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