
Trust your instinct, 90 Percent is Accurate

If you are in doubt as to take a decision, be quiet for a moment. Then redeeming your instincts. For reliable instinct and 90 percent accurate instinct you know!

The study was performed to find out the accuracy of the human instinct to answer the problem. A number of volunteers was shown a couple numbers on the screen. They were then asked to choose which one has the highest average. Thus quoted from News.com.au.

Because the numbers are changing so fast, of course they do not bia make a precise calculation. When it is, they rely on intuition arithmetic to answer. And it turns out they're mostly correct answers.

Accuracy of response increases with the pressure they face. For example, when they were shown six pairs of numbers, an accuracy of 65 percent. Then when the numbers shown 24 pairs, accuracy increased to 90 percent.

Professor Marius Usher of Tel Aviv University led the study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that. Simply put he concluded that knee-jerk reaction without thinking can be trusted to make a quality decision.

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